Sarah Sharafi
Artist Statement
Apocalypse Zine

Sarah Sharafi
From Berlin, lives in Vienna
2017 Department of Art Education, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Art and Design Practice, Univ.-Prof. Barbara Putz-Plecko; Design, Material Culture and Experimental practice, Univ.-Prof Christoph Kaltenbrunner
2019 Degree Mag. art., Visual Arts, class for Site-Specific-Art, cared for by Prof. Paul Petritsch
2015 – 2019 Department of Visual Arts, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Schwerpunkt Ortsbezogene Kunst, Univ.- Prof. Paul Petritsch
2014 Degree B.A., Photography and Media Art, FH Bielefeld, cared for by Prof. Suse Wiegand and Prof. Wiebke Leister
2009 – 2014 Department of Design, class for Photography and Media Art, FH Bielefeld
2008 – 2009 Arthistory, Philosophy and Iran studies, Free University Berlin
2004 – 2006 Stay in Madrid, attendance of photography seminars, EFTI Escuela de Fotografía Centro de Imagen
2012 Studio of Louise Fishman, preparation for Louise Fishman Cheim & Read, NYC und Five Decades Tilton Gallery, New York City
2022 Unseen Sights, Gottrekorder Graz,
2021 Gottrekorder – Was die Welt niemals enthält, Parallel Vienna,
Zine-Release Präsentation apocalypse 2, LLLLLL Verein für Kunst der Gegenwart, Vienna
Jamais Vu II, LLLLLL Verein für Kunst der Gegenwart, Vienna
2020 The Unhomely reading, Fluc, Vienna
2019 Wunschzitate, Diplomabschlussaustellung, Vordere Zollamtstraße 17, Vienna
2017 Essence, Dominikanerbastei, Vienna
the city we know, the city we knew, Gallery 25, Gyumri
2016 I was here tomorrow, Krinzinger Projekte, curated by Blockfrei, Vienna
C.A.R. Contemeporary Art Ruhr, Zollverein, Essen
Essence, Dominikanerbastei, Vienna
2015 Phänomene des Wunsches, in cooperation with Rebecca Budde de Cancino, Artists Unlimited Galerie, Bielefeld
Kijk Papers, Warte für Kunst, Kassel
2014 Weihnart, Artists Unlimited Galerie, Bielefeld
Raum 21 – Über Dialoge, Alte Stadtbibliothek, Bielefeld
Werkschau SoSe 2014, FH Bielefeld, Bielefeld
No Photo, Das kleine Schwarze, Hamburg
KörperZwischenRaum, Galerie Lampingstraße, Bielefeld
Turban Hijab, Remise Moabit, Berlin
Rosenthal – Perspectives, Kunstnacht Selb, Selb
2016 ongoing
apocalypse, collaborative zine project in collaboration with Holger Schulze
2014 – 2015 Participation in Artists Unlimited e. V., art and living project in Bielefeld,
2015 Heftige Heftchen, eds.. Anna Jehle and AG 16
2014 Artist Feature uand guest blog, Der Greif – online
Rosenthal Perspectives
2013 Der Greif # 7
Raum 21 Fotografie aus Bielefeld,
Grants and residencies
2018 Nest Residency, ICA Yerevan
2017 achievement grant University for Applied Arts Vienna
2014 DAAD Promos
grant by the Summer Academy Salzburg, Workshop Youth by Tobias Zielony
2012 DAAD Promos