Sarah Sharafi
Artist Statement
Apocalypse Zine

Artist statement
The starting point for my working process is observations of contemporary visual culture. I am looking for photographs on the internet that work as templates and influences for my drawings. These photographs are interpreted as images of desire, coming from a cultural and social fantasy. They are found in pornography, social media, advertisement and stock photography.
My artistic practice is a subjective investigation into the symbolic, atmospheric and lyrical potential of these images. Through these investigations hybrid creatures and collage-like compositions emerge. They point at an eroticism of the imagination, to social and personal projections of desire – the longing to transform oneself and to be transformed. The mixed bodies are autoerotic, brittle and open blurring definitions of what it means to be a socialized human. They oppose schemes that are taken from a social reality that is perceived as static and unquestionable. It is about the reflection of one’s own conditions, triggered by the erotic process, which can also be the process of drawing and looking.
Artistic borrowings are taken from surrealist artists such as Max Ernst, Dorothea Tanning, Leonor Fini or André Masson, from the collages of Alexander Rodtschenko and contemporary drawing by artists like Kiki Smith and Tracey Emin.
Finding an erotic moment. Still. Quite a lot falls away. Alienation, other levels of reality. Imaginations of other realities, destructive, constructive, no fixed identity. Apparent reality of the source photographs shifts. Their imaginative character becomes visible. Something is suddenly bigger, smaller. Chimeras: Mixed Beings. Learned codes decode and shift.